St. James United Methodist Church has long had a Safe Sanctuary policy and procedure.

What is Safe Sanctuary?

It is a policy that the church has designed and implemented with procedures in place to keep children at St. James as safe as possible. Some examples include:

  • no child(ren) are to be unaccompanied in the church building;
  • there are two adults in each of the Sunday School classrooms;
  • there are windows in each of the Sunday School classrooms;
  • there are background checks done on all staff and volunteers who work with children.

These, and other processes help parents feel secure in leaving their children in the hands of other adults whom they may not know, initially, while providing a Christian-based spiritual education for their children.

Please feel free to contact the church if you would like more information on our Safe Sanctuary policy.

What is Safe Sanctuary on other United Methodist Church websites: