
  •  Worship committee: Works to foster all that occurs before, during and after Sunday services to make worship meaningful. This includes worship services, Sunday school classes for children, ages 3 and up, as well as adults, music groups, including Chancel Choir, Glory Road contemporary band, Youth choir, children’s choir and bell choir. New members are always welcome and encouraged!
  • Hospitality: Within the walls of St. James there are members who love to cook, serve and eat!  We especially love to eat with friends and neighbors.  Twice a month, on the second and fourth Wednesdays, we gather for Fellowship Suppers in the Wesley Room at 6 pm. Bring a dish to share and come for lively conversation and friendship.
  • Social Senior Luncheons: All seniors are invited at noon the first Tuesday of the month to a covered dish luncheon in the Treadwell Room. Bring a dish to share and enjoy company with a wonderful bunch of folks!
  • Welcoming: Each member and visitor is very important to us! Please sign the visitor’s book at the back of the sanctuary when you visit, we ask folks to sign in so that we may know when you are with us, and to let you know we miss you when you are away! We have name tags so that we can get to know each other better. They are on a large board in the Pearl/Fair Street vestibule, by last names. If you need a name tag, please sign the clipboard, and one will be made for you.
  • Prayer Group: Our Prayer Partners join together for prayers for healing, grace and thanksgiving. Come join us in this important ministry!
  • Wesleyan Coffee Club:meets every Friday morning at 9:00 AM for coffee and conversation in the Treadwell room.
  • Men’s Group:All men are invited to join us for breakfast the second Saturday of the month in the downstairs kitchen at 8:15 AM! If you like to cook, come earlier. Enjoy a hearty breakfast, some good fellowship and a few laughs. Free will offering accepted.